Legislative Accomplishments
As a seasoned lawmaker, Sen. Bong Revilla does not bask in grandstanding nor bragging what he has accomplished in the Senate, but rather, the bills and laws which he has authored, co-authored, sponsored and co-sponsored which continue to lay a stable support on the pillar of national development, can speak for itself.
Accomplishments: Total 2,000 Bills and Resolutions

Bong Revilla authored RA 10054 “An Act Mandating all motorcycle riders to wear standard protective motorcycle helmets while driving and providing penalties therefor”.
Since the Philippines is located within the Pacific Ring of Fire, more than 20 typhoons hit our country every year. Yet, with the advent of global warming and climate change, natural calamities have become more adverse that widespread disaster has taken a toll on human life and left massive destruction in our natural resources.
Known for always being a champion of the underprivileged and his undying faith in the potential of the youth, Sen. Bong Revilla proposed the Open High School Program (OHSP).
As stipulated in the law, the Magna Carta of Women aims to increase the number of women in third level positions in government to achieve a fifty-fifty (50-50) gender balance within the next five years while the composition of women in all levels of development planning and program implementation will be at least 40 percent;
Enjoying the presumption of minority, a child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this Act. A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age
This law is geared towards the prohibition of taking photo or video coverage of a person or group of persons performing sexual act or any similar activity or to capture an image of the private area of a person/s such as the naked or undergarment clad genitals, public area, buttocks or female breast without the consent of the person/s involved and under circumstances in which the person/s has/have a reasonable expectation of privacy;
Through Republic Act 10154 or an act requiring all concerned government agencies to ensure the early release of the retirement pay, pensions, gratuities and other benefits of retiring government employees, all government agencies are required by law to release the benefits of retiring employees within 80 days from the date of their retirement provided that they have accomplished all necessary documents required for the process of release.
With the proliferation of scams and different forms of fraud, technology has become an instrument for many Filipinos to fall prey to unscrupulous activities. Since the Philippines is relatively new to this form of technology, there were no laws existing to protect citizens from what was dubbed as “cybercrimes.”
This aims to integrate all laws relating to the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) to effectively improve the quality of life of Filipino citizens by providing them with sufficient shelter;
Terrorism is one of the biggest threats against humanity and the welfare of the Filipino people.
Our country is visited by an average of 20 typhoons every year, at least five of which cause major damage. Cognizant of the critical role that PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Service Administration)…
With the proliferation of scams and different forms of fraud, technology has become an instrument for many Filipinos to fall prey to unscrupulous activities.
With the lack of a stable supply of petroleum in the country, there was a need to seek for alternative sources to meet our growing energy demands without compromising environmental resources.
In the Philippines, upon reaching 65, a government employee is required to retire from rendering his or her service.
Due to our country’s location along the Ring of Fire or the typhoon belt, the Philippines is prone to natural disasters such as strong typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.